
Our sovereign high-availability infrastructure inherently integrates a high level of security, dedicated to hosting your critical applications and data.

Redundant and secure, this multi-site infrastructure is available in various cities in France and Switzerland (Paris, Lyon, Grenoble, Annecy, Geneva…). This elastic infrastructure adjusts according to the evolution of your needs, providing access to a virtual data center.

The key points of the offer :

The advantages :

Private Cloud - cloud sur mesure sécurisé

DL - Private Cloud

Our Private Cloud offering enables businesses and platforms with substantial activity to benefit from a dedicated infrastructure, of the DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan) type, dual-site, and redundant.

A tailor-made design to best suit your needs and your business activity.

Infrastructure Cloud sur mesure sécurisée

DL-Virtual Private Cloud

Our Virtual Private Cloud offering is ideal for small developing infrastructures that will require easy scalability to meet their growth needs.

Its elasticity also caters to your occasional spikes in activity, complementing your Private Cloud overflow.

Your data remains accessible at all times and protected from external attacks thanks to the firewall seamlessly integrated into your Cloud

The key points of the offer :

Sauvegarde dual sites sécurisée- sur mesure


Notre offre de sauvegarde repose sur deux datacenters, géographiquement distincts, localisés en France. La localisation de vos données est garantie hors site d’hébergement pour les préserver à l’abri de tout sinistre.

La gestion de vos données est simplifiée grâce à un portail intuitif et ergonomique. Vous êtes autonome dans la sauvegarde et la restauration de vos fichiers. 

Les points clés de l’offre :

Les plus :

Nos partenaires techniques
